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Back from the Pukkelpop

Ho deciso di pubblicare anche qui le varie minchiatelle tipo report, chart e gli episodiiii di SF da e sul Pukkelpop09, invito i compari Fioriurlanti e Heavyhorse a fare altrettanto...

Pukkelpop 2009 ... the figures speak for themselves!

Pukkelpop 2009…the figures speak for themselves!

Not only the temperatures, but also the numbers of Pukkelpop visitors have reached peak levels. The impressive Pukkelpop programme attracted 180,000 enthusiastic festivalgoers (60,000 on Thursday, 59,000 on Friday and 61,000 on Saturday).

204 bands, DJs and comedians @ the Pukkelpop.

For the first time a second campsite had to be opened to accommodate the flux of campers. 47,500 young people spent one or more nights at the Pukkelpop campsites.

People of 60 different nationalities presented themselves at the Pukkelpop ticket offices. Most visitors came from Benelux, France and Germany, but Great Britain, Spain, Ireland and Italy were also strongly represented. A remarkably large number of Australians was spotted on this summer’s hottest festival site. Mexico, Brazil, Ukraine, Poland, Canada and The United Arab Emirates also sent some of their music freaks to Kiewit.

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